2016 Just Move It Campaign

2016 is the 11th year IHS California Area has partnered with the Just Move It campaign to share what work locally around physical activity initiatives. All partners are encouraged to share their stories on the Just Move It website (www.justmoveit.org) to support this North American campaign promoting physical activity for Indigenous peoples. To help us learn even more from each other quarterly e-newsletters include links to recorded interviews with Just Move It California Partners about their local physical activity initiatives. As is our tradition, again this year physical activity sessions will be included as part of the annual Tribal Leaders Consultation meeting March 8, 9 and 10 at the Viejas Casino & Resort. These physical activity sessions kick off another year of promoting the benefits of physical activity.
All tribal and urban partners are encouraged to use the Just Move It website to share their stories, learn how others have started and sustained physical activity in their communities, and use the calendar to promote local efforts. Around the state 93 programs are Just Move It partners! Thanks to all who have joined the Just Move It campaign and welcome new partners who will be joining. For technical support please email jmicali@hncpartners.org.
The Just Move It goal is, Let’s Get 1 Million Indigenous People Moving!
The count is 77,190 participants from 464 partners and counting as of March