Update on Covered California for American Indians - January 2014

From: (CRIHB)
Sent: Tuesday, January 07, 2014 2:52 PM
Subject: RE: Updates on Covered California for American Indians- January 2014
Covered California Certified Enrollment Counselors
Many of the Tribal Health programs in California are now Covered California Enrollment Entities with Certified Enrollment Counselors!
The following Tribal Health Clinics are now listed on the Covered California website as offering in person assistance with enrollment: United Indian Health Service, Sacramento Native American Health Center, MACT Health Board, Tule River Indian Health, Consolidated Tribal Health, Feather River Tribal Health, Toiyabe Indian Health, Greenville Rancheria, Northern Valley Indian Health, Santa Ynez Tribal Health, Southern Indian Health Council & Indian Health Council.
If you have patients looking for some in person enrollment assistance and you are not currently an Enrollment Entity and/or do not have any Certified Enrollment Counselors at your site you can search for a walk in location by zip code at this link: https://v.calheers.ca.gov/hix/entity/locateassister/searchentities?_ga=1.264604428.2006220425.1377032718
Premium Payments:
Covered California’s eleven health insurance companies unanimously agreed Saturday to extend the deadline for consumers to submit payment for their first month’s premium.
Consumers now have until Jan. 15 to get payment to the companies. The nine additional days will ease feelings consumers may have of being rushed to pay the invoices they recently received.
The extension also assures health care companies time to mail the invoices and for consumers to have received the documents. Payment for coverage taking effect Jan. 1 must be in the hands of the health insurance companies by Jan. 15 and not simply postmarked or in-transit.
FAQ: Can I decline Medi-Cal and enroll in a Covered California health insurance plan and receive the federal premium assistance?
Under federal law, you are not eligible to purchase subsidized coverage through Covered California if you are currently enrolled in or are eligible for Medi-Cal. You are eligible for unsubsidized coverage through Covered California if you are eligible for Medi-Cal, so you can still purchase a health insurance plan through Covered California, but you cannot receive premium assistance to reduce its cost.
CoveredCA.org Provider Directory:
The directory is currently being updated and among the updates that will be part of the refresh of the provider directory will be the inclusion of community clinics and health centers in the “Find your Facility” function. Additionally, we are excited to share that community clinic and health centers, by name, are also being included in the “Find your Doctor” portion of the directory too.
Outreach Events:
In January we will be in Warner Mountain for a Community Presentation and in February we will be holding a booth in Pala at the Taking Control of Your Diabetes Conference. If you have any upcoming events and would like to have CRIHB provide a Covered California Outreach & Education booth/table, please contact Consuelo Gambino at Consuelo.gambino@crihb.org
California Rural Indian Health Board, Inc.