Find Treatment
IHS Treatment Locator
Find an Indian Health Service, Tribal or Urban Indian Health Program facility:
- Alaska village clinics
- Alcohol and substance abuse treatment
- Behavioral health (mental health)
- Dental clinics
- Health Centers (including school health centers)
- Health Stations
- Hospitals
Other Treatment Locators
HRSA Health Center Locator
Through the Health Resources and Services Administration locator, find a local health center that can provide the following services:
- Wellness checkups
- Treatment for illness
- Comprehensive pregnancy care
- Immunization and checkups for children
- Dental care
- Prescription medication
- Mental health and substance use disorder care
SAMHSA Treatment Locator
Through the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration treatment locator, find local behavioral health treatment services that address:
- Alcohol and substance use disorder treatment or mental health facilities and programs
- Information on locating physicians and treatment programs authorized to treat opioids, such as heroin or prescription pain relievers
Other Resources
Treatment for Alcohol Problems: Finding and Getting Help , an online guide from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, offers a patient-focused overview on available treatment sources and what to consider when selecting among treatment options those with alcohol problems.