COIPP Grant Basics
Grant Requirements
All requirements for this grant can be found in the latest Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) issuing new funds. A summary of Programmatic Terms and Conditions, or Expectations, are provided below.
New Project Director Guidance
- APR – Annual Progress Report
- CA – Continuing Application
- CO – Carry Over
- COIPP Portal – Community Opioid Intervention Prevention Program Portal for online reporting and tracking tools
- COIPP – Community Opioid Intervention Prevention Programs
- DGM – Division of Grants Management
- FFR – Federal Financial Report
- FY – Fiscal Year
- GMS – Grants Management Specialist
- IHS – Indian Health Service
- NOFO – Notice of Funding Opportunity
- PO – Project Officer
- SF – Standard Form
- You will be working with the Division of Behavioral Health COIPP, the Division of Grants Management (DGM) and your Project Officer (PO).
- Your program must have a Project Director who has relevant health care education and/or experience. This person should also be the primary contact to the Division of Behavioral Health, DGM and their Project Officer.
- You will submit annual report(s) and or application(s). See 'Requirements' below for the types and timing of reports and applications.
Comply with IHS Policies and Procedures related to this grant: Most policies and procedures are provided on the Notice of Award or on Division of Grants Management website. However, if you are unsurea about something, contact your Grants Management Specialist.
Provides an overview of required reports and application due dates.
- Application: Based on the Division of Grants Management policy, the application is due 120 days before the start of grant's budget period or fiscal year.
- Submission: Applications will be submitted in GrantSolutions.
Annual Reports: Based on grants policy, there are two reports due 90 days after the end of your program's budget period or fiscal year:
- Program Progress Report: Along with providing project narrative updates, grant programs will also report on what annual and semiannual progress. Submission: Submit in GrantSolutions as a Grant Note.
- Federal Financial Report (SF-425): Due to the Division of Payment Management and the Division of Grants Management.
- Submission: The Federal Financial Report must be submitted on the Payment Management System. Your local fiscal office should have access to this. Submit a copy of the SF-425 in GrantSolutions as a Grant Note.
Please include your name, contact information, program name, and grant number (if known) when submitting questions via email.For questions on grants policy and management, contact your Grants Management Specialist, Patience Musikikongo.
For questions regarding the GrantSolutions electronic application process or trainings, please contact Paul Gettys.
For additional assistance, please contact your Project Officer.