About YRTCs

The mission of the Youth Regional Treatment Centers (YRTCs) is to provide quality holistic behavioral health care for American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) adolescents and their families in a substance-free residential environment that integrates traditional healing, spiritual values, and cultural identification.
What Makes the YRTCs Unique?
- Emphasis on AI/AN culture is a central component:
- Affirming cultural norms of sobriety, responsibility to the tribe, village, band and/or clan
- Culturally appropriate care (i.e., AI/AN practice-based and evidenced-based practices)
- Design and location of the centers
- Program components such as family involvement, alcohol/substance abuse education, food services, and recreation
- Cultural practices involving healing
- YRTC treatment services are available to eligible AI/AN youth and families at no cost
- AI/AN youth have the opportunity to receive treatment in their region
YRTC Focus
- The primary focus of the YRTCs is to provide treatment to adolescents who abuse alcohol and/or drugs;
- The treatment goals include eliminating physical and psychological dependence on alcohol and/or drugs;
- Treatment of physical and other illnesses identified during treatment;
- The development of independent living skills;
- Provision of schooling appropriate to the adolescent's level of academic achievement and needs; and
- Helping the adolescent to develop and implement an aftercare plan to maintain sobriety after discharge.