About Urban Indian Organizations

*Please note: The above data is based on surveys of AI/AN and may include AI/AN alone or in combination with other races.
What are Urban Indian Organizations?
Urban Indian organization means a nonprofit corporate body situated in an urban center governed by a board of directors of whom at least 51 percent are AI/ANs, for establishing and administering an urban Indian health program and related activities as described in Title V of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act.
Number of IHS-Funded UIOs
41 UIOs with 80+ sites, as of 2022.
Where IHS-Funded UIOs are Located in the United States
UIOs are located in 22 states and 11 IHS Areas throughout the US.
For more information see the UIOs Facilities Map.
Target Population/Eligibility
UIOs are authorized to provide services to “urban Indians residing in the urban centers in which such organizations are situated.” 25 U.S.C. 1653(a).
Pursuant to the IHCIA, 25 U.S.C. § 1603(13), (27), (28), the beneficiaries of the services to be provided under the UIO contract are “Urban Indians,” defined as any individual who:
Resides in an urban center, which is any community that has a sufficient urban Indian population with unmet health needs to warrant assistance under the IHCIA, as determined by the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (“HHS”).
The overall goal of this contract is to fund the UIO for the provision of healthcare and referral services for urban Indian beneficiaries residing within the urban center, which services meet the requirements of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act (IHCIA) and will continue to elevate the health status of eligible urban Indians to the highest level possible.
UIO Facility Types
- Full Ambulatory
- Limited Ambulatory
- Outreach and Referral
- Outpatient and Residential Alcohol and Substance Abuse Treatment
Services Provided by UIOs
Primary Care | Traditional Healing & Medicine | Behavioral Health | Social & Community Services |
*Please note: Not all UIO activities and services are supported by IHS Funding.