Adolescent Treatment Centers
There are two Regional Youth Treatment Centers serving both the Phoenix Area and Tucson Area. They are accredited by the Joint Commission under the Behavioral Health standards as ONE organization providing services in two locations.

Desert Visions Youth Wellness Center is located in Sacaton, Arizona on the Gila River Indian Community. The Center provides American Indian and Alaska Native youth culturally relevant behavioral health treatment for addictive disease. The facility is a 24-bed residential treatment center and is accredited by the Joint Commission. This facility offers a multidisciplinary treatment team approach to treating male and female adolescents between the ages of 12 and 18.
Visit the Desert Visions Youth Wellness Center for more information.

The second facility, Nevada Skies Youth Wellness Center, which is accredited by the Joint Commission as a satellite facility of Desert Visions is located in Wadsworth, Nevada on the Pyramid Lake Paiute Reservation, This Center also provides American Indian and Alaska Native males culturally relevant behavioral health treatment. The facility is a 16 bed residential treatment center and this 120 day program also offers a multidisciplinary treatment team approach to treating males from ages 12-18.
Visit the Nevada Skies Youth Wellness Center for more information.