Clinton Indian Health Center

The Clinton Indian Health Center (CIHC) is a modern ambulatory care center that was built in 2007 and is located 70 miles west of Oklahoma City in Clinton, Oklahoma. The facility is accredited by The Joint Commission and is a certified Primary Care Medical Home.
Provide quality health care services focusing on prevention, restoration and collaborative relationships that are valued and “exceeds the needs” of our patients, community and tribal partners.
Strategic Goals
• Goal 1: To ensure that comprehensive, culturally appropriate personal and public health services are available and accessible to American Indian and Alaska Native people.
o Objective 1.1: Recruit, develop, and retain a dedicated, competent, and caring workforce
o Objective 1.2: Build, strengthen, and sustain collaborative relationships.
o Objective 1.3: Increase access to quality health care services.
• Goal 2: To promote excellence and quality through innovation of the Indian health system into an optimally performing organization.
o Objective 2.1: Create quality improvement capability at all levels of the organization.
o Objective 2.2: Provide care to better meet the health care needs of American Indian/Alaska Native communities.
• Goal 3: To Strengthen IHS program management and operations.
o Objective 3.1: Improve communication within the organization with Tribes, Urban Indian Organizations, and other stakeholders, and with the general public.
o Objective 3.2: Secure and effectively manage the assets and resources.
o Objective 3.3: Modernize information technology and information systems to support data driven decisions.
Chief Executive Officer: CAPT Joe Bryant, 580-331-3300
Administrative Officer: Tina Scott, 580-331-3300
Clinical Director: Dr. Chris Renshaw, 580-331-3300
10321 N 2274 Rd.
Clinton, OK 73601
Hours of Operation
Clinic hours are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Saturday: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Who should I call?
Main Office - 580-331-3300
- Audiology
- Behavioral Health
- Chiropractic Services
- Dental
- Endodontics
- Endocrinology
- Laboratory
- Medical
- Massage Therapy
- Nephrology
- Nursing
- Nutrition
- Optometry
- Orthopedics
- Pharmacy
- Pharmacy Refills
- Physical Therapy
- Podiatry
- Public Health Nursing
- Radiology Services
- Rheumatology
- Wound Care
Information for Patients
• Patient Forms
• Department Directory or Patient Scheduling
• Nurse After-Hours Line:
o Nurse consultation services are available after-hours if needed. Please call 833-904-0013 to be connected with a nurse.
• Personal Health Record:
o The Indian Health Service Personal Health Record (PHR) is a website where patient’s may access their personal health information with access to medications, lab results, track health issues, immunization records, health information and contact with health care team. All may be accessed from the privacy of your personal computer, phone, and/or tablet. For more information, visit the website and/or contact a CSU registration clerk.
Nearby Clinton Service Unit Healthcare Facilities
- El Reno Indian Health Center - 1801 Parkview Drive El Reno, OK 73036 - 405-234-8400
- Watonga Indian Health Center - 1305 S. Clarence Nash Blvd Watonga, OK 73772 - 580-623-4991