Clinical Guidance
Antiplatelet Agents [PDF - 203 KB]
CVD Treatment and Prevention [PDF - 213 KB]
Federal Drug Pricing [PDF - 143 KB]
Ketamine in Acute Pain [PDF - 154 KB]
Menopause Treatment [PDF - 177 KB]
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Guidelines [PDF - 156 KB]
Aspirin in Primary & Secondary Prevention [PDF - 231 KB]
Asthma Guidelines [PDF - 535 KB]
Budesonide-formoterol in Asthma [PDF - 302 KB]
Combination Medications & Adherence [PDF - 270 KB]
Congenital Syphilis [PDF - 297 KB]
Continuous Glucose Monitors [PDF - 290 KB]
Cough & Cold Medications [PDF - 264 KB]
DOACs in Atrial Fibrillation [PDF - 262 KB]
Doxy-PEP [PDF - 303 KB]
Dupilumab in Asthma [PDF - 272 KB]
Low Back Pain [PDF - 168 KB]
Medical Cannabis [PDF - 205 KB]
MEDICATION UPDATE: 2024 CDC Guidelines for Doxy PEP [PDF - 292 KB]
Medications for Opioid Use Disorder [PDF - 247 KB]
Migraines (CGRPs and 5-HT1F Agonists) [PDF - 173 KB]
Naloxone Update [PDF - 322 KB]
Non-Invasive Fungal Infections [PDF - 243 KB]
PCSK9 Inhibitors [PDF - 328 KB]
Postpartum Depression [PDF - 224 KB]
Psilocybin For Mental Health [PDF - 274 KB]
SGLT2i Update [PDF - 305 KB]
Short-Course TB Treatment Regimens [PDF - 298 KB]
VACCINE UPDATE: Increase in Invasive Pneumococcal Disease (IPD) Serotype 4 [PDF - 187 KB]
Vaxelis® in AI/AN Children [PDF - 380 KB]
Adalimumab Biosimilars [PDF - 242 KB]
Alzheimers Disease [PDF - 461 KB]
Antibiotic Stewardship [PDF - 216 KB]
Biosimilars and Interchangable Biosimilars [PDF - 170 KB]
Cirrhosis and Complications [PDF - 318 KB]
Colorectal Cancer [PDF - 219 KB]
COVID-19 Prevention and Treatment Updates [PDF - 235 KB]
Diabetic Foot Ulcers [PDF - 155 KB]
Geriatric Medication Safety & Deprescribing [PDF - 218 KB]
GLP-1 & GLP-1/GIP Receptor Agonists for DM2 and Obesity [PDF - 205 KB]
H. pylori Treatment [PDF - 223 KB]
Inflammatory Bowel Disease [PDF - 208 KB]
Influenza Treatment and Prevention [PDF - 146 KB]
MEDICATION UPDATE: *UPDATED* Limited Supply of Benzathine Penicillin G for Treatment of Syphilis [PDF - 138 KB]
MEDICATION UPDATE: Albuterol Nebulizer Shortage Options [PDF - 45 KB]
MEDICATION UPDATE: FDA Announces Decision to Withdraw Approval of Makena® [PDF - 171 KB]
MEDICATION UPDATE: FDA Approves First OTC Naloxone Nasal Spray [PDF - 219 KB]
MEDICATION UPDATE: FDA Approves First Vaccine for RSV [PDF - 141 KB]
MEDICATION UPDATE: FDA Approves Maternal RSV Vaccine [PDF - 95 KB]
MEDICATION UPDATE: FDA Approves Opill®, the first daily Oral Contraceptive [PDF - 39 KB]
MEDICATION UPDATE: Limited Supply of Benzathine Penicillin G for Treatment of Syphilis [PDF - 92 KB]
MEDICATION UPDATE: Removal of DATA 2000 X Waiver [PDF - 228 KB]
Nicotine Dependence [PDF - 162 KB]
Norgestrel 0.075mg Tablets (Opill®) [PDF - 190 KB]
Osteoarthritis [PDF - 207 KB]
Osteoporosis [PDF - 203 KB]
PolyCystic Ovarian Sydrome [PDF - 179 KB]
Prevention of RSV [PDF - 243 KB]
Prevention of Secondary Stroke [PDF - 209 KB]
SC Depot Medroxyprogesterone Acetate [PDF - 199 KB]
Treatment of C. difficile [PDF - 565 KB]
Urinary Incontinence [PDF - 320 KB]
VACCINE UPDATE: CDC Recommendations for Limited Availability of Nirsevimab [PDF - 239 KB]
VACCINE UPDATE: FDA Authorizes Updated Novavax COVID-19 Vaccine [PDF - 134 KB]
VACCINE UPDATE: FDA Updates COVID-19 Vaccines [PDF - 140 KB]
Alcohol Use Disorder [PDF - 184 KB]
Alopecia Areata [PDF - 197 KB]
Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy [PDF - 204 KB]
Bipolar Disorder [PDF - 211 KB]
Erectile Dysfunction [PDF - 556 KB]
Gender Affirming Therapies [PDF - 380 KB]
Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction (HFpEF) [PDF - 546 KB]
Heart Failure with Reduced Ejection Fraction (HFrEF) [PDF - 203 KB]
HIV Injectable & PrEP treatments [PDF - 194 KB]
Hyperlipidemia [PDF - 206 KB]
Hypertension Guidelines Review [PDF - 216 KB]
Male Genitourinary Infections [PDF - 227 KB]
Male Hypogonadism [PDF - 221 KB]
MEDICATION UPDATE: Palivizumab for RSV [PDF - 195 KB]
Obesity Management [PDF - 638 KB]
Ocular Treatments for Keratoconjuntivis Sicca [PDF - 304 KB]
Rosacea [PDF - 297 KB]
Sexually Transmitted Infections (PART 3) [PDF - 610 KB]
Stimulant Use Disorder [PDF - 171 KB]
Treatment of Prostate Cancer [PDF - 383 KB]
Ultra-Long Acting Insulins [PDF - 247 KB]
Wound Care Treatment [PDF - 111 KB]
2021 Sexually Transmitted Infections Guidelines (PART 2) [PDF - 271 KB]
Acute Migraine Treatments [PDF - 220 KB]
Anti-Seizure Drugs [PDF - 632 KB]
Antiemetic Agents [PDF - 248 KB]
Anxiety Disorders [PDF - 229 KB]
CLINICAL UPDATE: HHS Buprenorphine Guidelines in OUD [PDF - 596 KB]
Esketamine [PDF - 416 KB]
Glucagon Delivery Devices [PDF - 218 KB]
Heplisav-B (Hepatitis B vaccine) [PDF - 269 KB]
Hydroxyprogesterone Caproate in Preterm Birth Risk Reduction [PDF - 380 KB]
Hyperthyroidism [PDF - 191 KB]
Insomnia/Sleep Medications [PDF - 476 KB]
Long-Acting Insulins & Biosimilars [PDF - 509 KB]
Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptives (LARCs) [PDF - 388 KB]
MAT for Opioid Use Disorder (Update) [PDF - 597 KB]
Outpatient Antibiotic Stewardship & Upper Respiratory Infections [PDF - 301 KB]
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) [PDF - 105 KB]
Pregnancy & Prenatal Care [PDF - 399 KB]
Sexually Transmitted Infections (PART 1) [PDF - 512 KB]
Soft Skin & Tissue Infections [PDF - 214 KB]
Tuberculosis Treatment Update [PDF - 405 KB]
Urinary Tract Infections [PDF - 399 KB]
Acne Treatment [PDF - 260 KB]
ADHD Medication [PDF - 191 KB]
Antiarrhythmic Agents [PDF - 215 KB]
Atopic Dermatitis [PDF - 166 KB]
Biosimilars for RA [PDF - 238 KB]
E-cigarettes and Nicotine Dependence [PDF - 233 KB]
Epinephrine Autoinjectors [PDF - 330 KB]
Hepatic Encephalopathy [PDF - 199 KB]
HIV Guidelines and PrEP Updates [PDF - 340 KB]
JAK & Interleukin 12/23 Inhibitors [PDF - 339 KB]
Long-Acting Buprenorphine for OUD [PDF - 259 KB]
Long-Acting Injectable Antipsychotics [PDF - 216 KB]
Pediatric Medication Management Issues [PDF - 283 KB]
2018 ACC-AHA Cholesterol Guidelines [PDF - 200 KB]
Alzheimers Disease [PDF - 220 KB]
Antimuscarinics in OAB [PDF - 331 KB]
Asthma-COPD guidelines [PDF - 200 KB]
Atypical Respiratory Medications [PDF - 311 KB]
DPP-4 Inhibitors [PDF - 168 KB]
DRUG SAFETY ALERT_Statin-Associated Autoimmune Myopathy (SAAM) [PDF - 63 KB]
GLP-1 Receptor Agonists [PDF - 206 KB]
HIV Treatment [PDF - 260 KB]
Influenza Treatments [PDF - 199 KB]
Inhaled Corticosteroids [PDF - 162 KB]
Long-Acting Beta Agonists (LABAs) [PDF - 60 KB]
Long-Acting Muscarinic Antagonists (LAMAs) [PDF - 265 KB]
Migraine Prevention [PDF - 204 KB]
Parkinsons Disease [PDF - 314 KB]
Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension [PDF - 161 KB]
SGLT2 Inhibitors [PDF - 200 KB]
SNRIs [PDF - 604 KB]
SSRIs [PDF - 304 KB]
Treatment of Tuberculosis (TB) [PDF - 176 KB]
2017 Hypertension Guidelines [PDF - 297 KB]
Allergic Rhinitis [PDF - 109 KB]
Crohn's Disease & Ulcerative Colitis [PDF - 175 KB]
Diabetic Neuropathy [PDF - 305 KB]
Gastroparesis [PDF - 170 KB]
GERD & PUD [PDF - 183 KB]
Hepatitis C Direct-Acting Antivirals [PDF - 180 KB]
HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) [PDF - 105 KB]
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) [PDF - 293 KB]
Obesity Treatment [PDF - 110 KB]
Ophthalmic Prostaglandin Analogs [PDF - 220 KB]
Opioid Use Disorder [PDF - 115 KB]
Pancreatic Enzyme Replacement Therapy [PDF - 306 KB]
Phosphate Binders in CKD [PDF - 334 KB]
Phosphodiesterase 5 Inhibitors [PDF - 108 KB]
Psoriasis [PDF - 162 KB]
ACEi and ARBs in Heart Failure [PDF - 187 KB]
Beta-blockers in Heart Failure [PDF - 380 KB]
Direct Oral Anticoagulants (DOACs) [PDF - 102 KB]
DM Treatment Overview [PDF - 173 KB]
DPP-4 Inhibitors [PDF - 168 KB]
GLP-1 Receptor Agonists [PDF - 340 KB]
Heart Failure Overview [PDF - 351 KB]
Hyperlipidemia [PDF - 225 KB]
Mineralocorticoid Receptor Antagonists in Heart Failure [PDF - 182 KB]
New, Long-acting Basal Insulins [PDF - 185 KB]
NonAlcoholic Fatty Liver Disease [PDF - 147 KB]
Novel Heart Failure Drugs [PDF - 349 KB]
PCSK9 Inhibitors [PDF - 199 KB]
PolyCystic Ovarian Sydrome [PDF - 413 KB]
Prediabetes [PDF - 188 KB]
SGLT2 Inhibitors [PDF - 177 KB]
Thiazolidinediones (TZDs) [PDF - 449 KB]
Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy [PDF - 332 KB]
Biosimilars [PDF - 41 KB]
Contraception [PDF - 49 KB]
Gout [PDF - 159 KB]
Medication Deprescribing [PDF - 132 KB]
Menopausal Hormone Therapy [PDF - 228 KB]
Misc. biologic DMARDS for RA [PDF - 208 KB]
Neuraminidase Inhibitors [PDF - 114 KB]
Non-biologic DMARDs for RA [PDF - 134 KB]
Nutritional Supplements in Hematology (Cyanocobalamin-Thiamine) [PDF - 61 KB]
Nutritional Supplements in Hematology (Iron) [PDF - 60 KB]
Nutritional Supplements in Obstetrics [PDF - 84 KB]
Nutritional Supplements in Oral Health [PDF - 95 KB]
Nutritional Supplements in Womens Health [PDF - 89 KB]
Nutritional Supplements in Wound Healing [PDF - 79 KB]
Osteoporosis [PDF - 117 KB]
TNF inhibitors for RA [PDF - 221 KB]
Triptans [PDF - 54 KB]
Alcohol Use Disorders [PDF - 128 KB]
Alcohol Withdrawal [PDF - 112 KB]
Antibiotic Stewardship [PDF - 151 KB]
Antiplatelet Agents [PDF - 124 KB]
Atypical Antipyschotics [PDF - 112 KB]
Cirrhosis and Associated Complications [PDF - 225 KB]
Combination COPD Inhalers [PDF - 126 KB]
Hepatitis C [PDF - 126 KB]
Insomnia [PDF - 194 KB]
Insulins [PDF - 140 KB]
Medication Adherence [PDF - 123 KB]
Nicotine Dependence [PDF - 124 KB]
Sulfonylureas [PDF - 370 KB]
Testosterone [PDF - 132 KB]
Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors [PDF - 46 KB]
Angiotensin II Receptor Antagonists [PDF - 113 KB]
Antidepressant Use in Chronic Pain [PDF - 313 KB]
Antiepileptic Medications [PDF - 149 KB]
Antiobesity Medications [PDF - 105 KB]
Beta-adrenergic Antagonists [PDF - 352 KB]
Calcium Channel Antagonists [PDF - 114 KB]
Diuretic Agents [PDF - 153 KB]
Hypertension Guidelines [PDF - 185 KB]
Long-Term Use of Proton-Pump Inhibitors [PDF - 453 KB]
Naloxone Use in the Ambulatory Setting [PDF - 221 KB]
Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Agents [PDF - 299 KB]
Opioid Dependence Treatment [PDF - 224 KB]
Phosphodiesterase 4 Inhibitors [PDF - 191 KB]
Phosphodiesterase 5 Inhibitors [PDF - 235 KB]
Short-Acting Opioid Use in Chronic Pain [PDF - 219 KB]
Skeletal Muscles Relaxants in Chronic Pain [PDF - 257 KB]
Statins [PDF - 24 KB]
Use of Gabapentin & Pregabalin in Chronic Pain [PDF - 208 KB]
Use of Long-Acting Opioids in Chronic Pain [PDF - 337 KB]
Acne [PDF - 124 KB]
Gender Dysphoria [PDF - 121 KB]
Overactive Bladder [PDF - 162 KB]
Progesterone Use in Preterm Birth Prevention [PDF - 99 KB]
Rifapentine [PDF - 126 KB]
Topiramate [PDF - 55 KB]
Chlorthalidone [PDF - 137 KB]
Citalopram [PDF - 131 KB]
ER Lithium Divalproex [PDF - 24 KB]
PDE5 Inh in PAH [PDF - 136 KB]
Prazosin in PTSD [PDF - 50 KB]
SNRI [PDF - 104 KB]
5 Alpha Reductase Inhibitors [PDF - 116 KB]
Alpha 1 Antagonists [PDF - 116 KB]
Clopidogrel-Proton Pump Inhibitor - Interaction Update [PDF - 116 KB]
Inhaled Anticholinergics [PDF - 142 KB]
Memantine [PDF - 135 KB]
Vaccine [PDF - 131 KB]
Erythropoiesis Stimulating Agents [PDF - 44 KB]
Estradiol [PDF - 116 KB]
Vitamin D Analogs in CKD [PDF - 40 KB]