COVID-19 Vaccine HL7 2.5.1 Format
Any American Indian or Alaska Native (AI/AN) program, entity, or site that uses a health information system can send in their COVID vaccination data to the NPIRS National Data Warehouse (NDW) by leveraging the HL7 2.5.1 file format.
COVID vaccination data will be routed to the IIS Central Aggregator Server managed by the Indian Health Services and transmitted to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) on a daily basis.
If you are currently sending your clinical data to the NPIRS National Data Warehouse (NDW), please follow the instructions below to leverage your existing credentials to send your new HL7 2.5.1 file format to the NDW Gateway.
If you are new to sending data to the NPIRS National Data Warehouse (NDW), please follow the instructions below to obtain the pertinent credentials to start sending your files to the NDW Gateway:
If you are unable to send data in the HL7 format, please contact the OIT Helpdesk at for assistance.