The Indian Health Service Health Information Technology Modernization Program hosted the third tribal consultation and urban confer on August 8 via Zoom. The topic was “Multi-Tenant Domain Considerations.” The event included introducing the enterprise electronic health record (EHR) solution name and branding, Modernization Program updates, and an open forum for questions and feedback. Elizabeth Sunnyboy of the Yup’ik Tribe opened the event with a message that asked for guidance and collaboration between leadership and our partners.
Deputy Chief Information Officer Andrea Scott announced the new name and emblem of the EHR solution: PATH EHR. PATH symbolizes our journey to health and wisdom and shows the program’s dedication to keeping “Patients at the Heart” of the solution. Ms. Scott introduced General Dynamics Information Technology’s Chief Architect Michael Gabrick to address the needs identified for improving health care IT throughout Indian Country.
Mr. Gabrick explained that PATH EHR will be a cloud-hosted and centrally managed system to aid patients and clinicians in the following aspects – clinical, financial, operational, interoperability, and reporting. One of the main benefits of PATH EHR will be its multi-tenancy capabilities. Providers across different facilities can use a single record to track and monitor a patient’s journey to wellness. With PATH EHR, clinicians can streamline and enhance care delivery by seeing a patient’s history and data in one system. This capability allows for timely and appropriately administered care based on a patient's past needs and provides robust security measures. Role-based access for sensitive records and training are two examples of how PATH EHR will protect and safeguard health records across facilities.
Division of Health Information Technology Modernization and Operations Director Jeanette Kompkoff ended the meeting with an open forum for questions and feedback. Partners asked questions about security, role-based access, and the capabilities of PATH EHR. We appreciate the conversations with our tribal and urban Indian partners and are grateful for their willingness to share their thoughts and experiences. Answers to frequently asked questions can be found here.
We are thankful for the collaboration and feedback we received during the August tribal consultation and urban confer. As we move forward, we will continue to embrace change, work together, and build a strong future that ensures the best possible care for patients throughout Indian Country for generations to come.
Stay Connected with the Health IT Modernization Program
Register for 2024 Tribal Consultation and Urban Confer Events With one more Health IT Modernization Program tribal consultation and urban confer event planned in 2024, we are committed to collaborating with partners through informative sessions and open forums. The November session will be a hybrid event held on November 7, 2024, in-person at IHS Headquarters in Rockville, Maryland, and virtually through Zoom. This will be covering Site Readiness and Training. Register here. |
Statement of Interest (SOI) We invite our partners to complete a non-binding document to help IHS understand which tribal and urban sites are interested in becoming part of the enterprise EHR solution partnership. The SOI may be submitted by email to at any time. Federal sites are not required to complete the SOI form. |
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