Tohatchi Health Care Center

Tohatchi Health Center HSA Zondra Bitsuie (505) 733-8415
Chief Medical Officer: VACANT
Supervisory Clinical Nurse: Sharon Notah (505) 733-8230
Tohatchi Health Center
07 Chooshgai Drive
PO Box 142
Tohatchi, AZ 87325
Hours of Operation
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, 8:00 AM – 4-30 PM
Wednesday, 12:30 PM – 4:30 PM
Health Center Telephone
(505) 733-8100
The Tohatchi, New Mexico Health Center is located in the Southeastern portion of the Navajo Nation approximately 40 miles North of Gallup, New Mexico. Inpatient needs are met by referral to the Gallup Indian Medical Center. The Tohatchi facility provides 40 hour per week ambulatory care for approximately 8,000 nearby residents. The facility is closed after 4:30 p.m. on weekdays and is closed as well on weekends. Most staff live in Gallup, New Mexico.
The Tohatchi Health Center is one of the newest facilities operated by the Navajo Area Indian Health Service, having been opened in 1994. The facility is staffed by four physicians and specialty clinics are operated by consultant staff from the Gallup Indian Medical Center. In addition to pediatrics, internal medicine and family medicine, services provided include pharmacy, physical therapy, x-ray, laboratory, public health nursing, optometry, dental, and health education. Leading reasons for visits include those consistent with eight Navajo Area IHS facilities. Seasonal occurrences include episodes of care for Hantavirus, plague and other conditions endemic to the Region.