Training Resources

DEDP offers a variety of training resources, from Tribal Epidemiology Center (TEC) Program-specific trainings to sexually transmitted disease (STD) and vaccine awareness trainings. You can link directly to the topics below.
Cancer Support Leadership Training - next training will be held September 6-8, 2023 in Albuquerque, NM
For more info, please email DEDP.
The DEDP began the Cancer Support Leadership training initiative in 1995. This effort has been sustained since 2000 through a funding partnership with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and combined with planning and implementation of the training in recent years through partnership with the Great Plains Tribal Epidemiology Center. At least two trainings are conducted per year and rotate geographically to reach a variety of Tribal communities, including those in urban settings.
Cancer Support Leadership training is for American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) community members interested in offering cancer support in their respective communities. Cancer mortality rates among AI/ANs vary substantially and geographically; resulting survival rates can be quite poor. Myths about cancer, distrust and misunderstanding of the health care system, financial barriers, and long distances from medical facilities often contribute to late diagnosis and noncompliance with treatment. The stigma that may accompany cancer diagnoses can perpetuate the avoidance of basic dialogue around cancer, isolating individuals and families dealing with the cancer diagnosis, and feeding into the social barriers that discourage early detection and compliance with medical care. An important step in interrupting this cycle is breaking the silence about the disease. One way this can happen is when community members openly identify themselves as cancer survivors and educate others about cancer and the possibility of survivorship. These locally driven efforts to raise awareness and counter stigma also enhance emotional support for those with cancer while promoting grass roots efforts around advocacy for cancer prevention and control within Tribal communities.
Refresher Colposcopy - next training will be held on March 12, 2024 in Albuquerque, NM
For more info, please email DEDP.
Colposcopy is a medical procedure used to further evaluate patients with abnormal cervical cancer screening results (i.e., abnormal Pap smear). DEDP’s basic and refresher colposcopy training effort seeks to strengthen cervical cancer screening capacity among IHS, Tribal, and Urban (I/T/U) health care providers serving AI/AN women. Establishing and maintaining I/T/U providers’ ability to perform colposcopy in-house as opposed to outside referral increases both timeliness and access to care for patients.
Training objectives include:
- Increase the number of I/T/U providers with sufficient training to perform competent colposcopy
- Improve the timeliness of follow-up care for patients through enhanced access to quality colposcopy services.