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CRS 2011 (v11.0 and v11.1)


CRS Version 11.1 was released on June 29, 2011.

Key enhancements included in CRS Version 11.1 are shown below.

  • Updated logic definitions for the following National GPRA & PART Report topics: Diabetes: Blood Pressure Control, Diabetes: Nephropathy Assessment, Influenza, Cancer Screening: Pap Smear Rates, Cancer Screening: Mammogram Rates, Alcohol Screening (FAS Prevention), Depression Screening, Comprehensive CVD-Related Assessment, Breastfeeding Rates
  • Added the following new GPRA Developmental measures:
    • Diabetes: Blood Pressure Control (excluded all inpatient and day surgery visits)
    • Childhood Immunizations (new Hepatitis A, Rotavirus, and Influenza measures; updated 3 or 4 dose HiB and 4:3:1:3/4:3:1:4 combination measure)
  • Updated the following GPRA Developmental measures:
    • Dental Sealants, Cancer Screening: Pap Smear Rates, Cancer Screening: Mammogram Rates, Comprehensive Cancer Screening, Tobacco Cessation, Alcohol Screening, Depression Screening, Comprehensive CVD-Related Assessment
  • Revised logic definitions for several non-GPRA topics.
  • Update CRS Graphical User Interface (Visual CRS): The GUI will contain all functionality included in CRS 2010 Version 11.1.
  • Added five new topics to the Selected Measures Report: ACEI/ARB Use in Diabetic Patients, Medication Therapy for Persons with Asthma, Proportion of Days Covered by Medication Therapy, Annual Wellness Visit, Goal Setting.
  • Added topics to the Other National Measures Report: ACEI/ARB Use in Diabetic Patients, Medication Therapy for Persons with Asthma, Proportion of Days Covered by Medication Therapy.
  • Added new Improving Patient Care (IPC) and Pharmacy Quality Alliance (PQA) local reports.
  • Added new Active Clinical Behavioral Health denominator for Urban Outreach & Referral Sites.
  • Added new GPRA Dashboard reports (both local and Area).
  • Added a new site parameter to specify the directory in which export files will be created.
  • Allow users to create a search template from the GPRA & PART Forecast Patient List.
  • Removed the EO Quality Transparency Measures report (both local and Area).


CRS Version 11.0 was released on January 11, 2011.

Key enhancements included in CRS Version 11.0 are shown below.

  • Changed the logic to identify demo patients to use the RPMS Demo/Test Patient Search Template (DPST).
  • Made the following changes to the National GPRA & PART Report (both local and Area reports):
    • Revised Childhood Immunizations GPRA measure from 4:3:1:3:3:1 to 4:3:1:3:3:1:4 measure, which adds 4 doses of Pneumococcal to the required vaccines.
    • Updated logic definitions for the following topics: Diabetes: Adult Immunizations: Influenza, Childhood Immunizations, Cancer Screening: Pap Smear Rates, Tobacco Use and Exposure Assessment, Tobacco Cessation, Alcohol Screening (FAS Prevention), Comprehensive CVD-Related Assessment, Obesity Assessment, HIV Screening.
    • Changed the patient list format to include last medical visit date and last visit date.
  • Added the following new GPRA Developmental measures:
    • Adult Immunizations: Pneumovax (with more accurate vaccine dosage)
    • Cancer Screening: Pap Smear Rates (female Active Clinical patients ages 25-64 who have had a pap smear in the past 4 years)
    • Universal HIV Screening (added measures for positive, negative, and no result, and broke down all measures by age and sex)
    • HIV Screening (two new logic definitions with different changes to pregnancy denominator logic)
    • Visit Statistics (new topic)
  • Updated the following GPRA Developmental measures:
    • Comprehensive Cancer Screening (Colorectal Cancer Screening logic and ages now match official GPRA measure)
  • Removed the following GPRA Developmental measures:
    • Childhood Immunizations measure 4:3:1:3:3:1:4 (moved to official GPRA measure)
    • H1N1 Immunizations topic
  • Revised logic definitions for several non-GPRA topics.
  • Added HIV Quality of Care to ONM report.
  • Removed the HEDIS and CMS reports.
  • Allow users to run the GPRA & PART Performance Report on a search template of patients.
  • Updated the GPRA & PART Forecast Patient List to allow users to print the report for patients added after a specific date.