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Clinical Reporting System (CRS)


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CRS is the reporting tool used by the IHS Office of Planning and Evaluation to collect and report clinical performance results annually to HHS and to Congress. This site will serve as a central repository for information about the IHS Clinical Reporting System (BGP).

CRS is an RPMS (Resource and Patient Management System) software application designed for national reporting as well as local and Area monitoring of clinical performance measures. CRS produces on demand from local RPMS databases a printed or electronic report for any or all of over 300+ clinical performance measures, representing 68 clinical topics. CRS is intended to eliminate the need for manual chart audits for evaluating and reporting clinical measures that depend on RPMS data.

Each year, an updated version of CRS software is released to reflect changes in and additions to clinical performance measure definitions. Click on any of the software versions listed in the box at the left for detailed descriptions.

Performance measure example: GPRA Measure Mammogram Rates: Report the number of female patients ages 52 through 74 without a documented history of bilateral mastectomy or two separate unilateral mastectomies who had a mammogram documented during the past two years.

Current Status:

CRS 2024 Version 24.1 was released nationally on August 27, 2024.