On-Demand Training
CPIC Training Videos
The videos are designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the CPIC process, identify the key roles and responsibilities in the workflows, and outline the procedures to submit a business needs statement using the web application. To ensure a quality viewing experience, the video setting should be 720p. Click the Settings icon at the bottom of the screen you are viewing and choose Auto (720p) for quality.
What is CPIC – This training video covers the Capital Planning and Investment Control (CPIC) program, outlining its objectives, legal framework, three key phases, and essential components for its effectiveness in IHS.
CPIC BNS & BC Manager Roles and Responsibilities – This training covers the roles and associated responsibilities that are part of the request submission process.
Exploring the BNS in the CPIC BNS & BC Manager—This training explores using the CPIC BNS and BC Manager (CPIC WebApp) to submit business needs statements (BNS) for review and approval by the IHS CIO.