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The statistician of the Phoenix Area Indian Health Service is responsible for analytical programs used to identify and assess the health needs of American Indians/Alaska Natives in the Southwest Region (AZ, NV, and UT). This information is used to further the director's priorities of renewing and strengthening partnerships with tribes, improving quality and access to care, and making our work accountable, transparent, fair, and inclusive. The statistician extensively uses RPMS (Resource Patient Management System) and the National Data Warehouse in order to calculate workload at each service unit and facility, which in turn is used to identify the active user population. The active user population is used to trend population growth and estimate needs for new facility planning.

In order to further the goal of identifying and assessing health needs, the Phoenix Area Statistician is also the GPRA (Government Performance and Results Act) Coordinator. The GPRA Coordinator works closely with our CRS (Clinical Reporting System) software both at the site level and at the Area Office. The GPRA Coordinator works with site managers in order to correctly run CRS Reports, understand GPRA logic, and adhere to report deadlines mandated by IHS Headquarters. In addition, the GPRA Coordinator audits results and provides information to the Office of Health Program consultants regarding clinical measures affecting their corresponding health program.

In addition to these responsibilities, the Phoenix Area Statistician routinely analyzes and summarizes data from RPMS queries and the National Data Warehouse downloads using a variety of software (QMan, Access, Excel, etc.) to produce publications and/or reports. Charts, tables, and PowerPoint Presentations are created and used by the statistician for budget negotiations, program reviews, meetings, etc. For example, at the Phoenix Area Annual Area Budget Meeting the Top 10 Mortalities and Morbidities are identified and presented in order for the tribes to identify and prioritize resource allocations. Throughout the year, the statistician also creates adhoc reports and fulfills special requests based on the needs of the service units, area office, and headquarters.
